Gymboree Presidents Day Sale

Gymboree is having a wonderful sale for this weekend.  You can earn $25 Gymbucks for every $50 spent too!

My sister-in-law is an ex-employee of Gymboree and had this to add (Thanks Sarah!):
Just a head's up on earning Gymbucks- There are 20% off coupons that you can use right now, on top of the extra 20% off sale, and still earn Gymbucks. That is a fantastic deal especially if you shop the sale racks that are 40%off original price. That is where you will get the bang for your buck and make shopping at Gymboree cheaper than Target or Wal-Mart. When you redeem your Gymbucks (typically 1 week after the earning period is over) you CANNOT redeem other coupons with them. So don't try to save your 20% coupons that you have gotten, they will not work! Gymboree is also offering double points on their rewards card right now.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Just a head's up on earning Gymbucks- There are 20% off coupons that you can use right now, on top of the extra 20% off sale, and still earn Gymbucks. That is a fantastic deal especially if you shop the sale racks that are 40%off original price. That is where you will get the bang for your buck and make shopping at Gymboree cheaper than Target or Wal-Mart. When you redeem your Gymbucks (typically 1 week after the earning period is over) you CANNOT redeem other coupons with them. So don't try to save your 20% coupons that you have gotten, they will not work! Gymboree is also offering double points on their rewards card right now. If you have more questions, I can answer them as an ex-Gymboreee employee!